Education and pedagogy is not something you can fully master. It is ever-shifting and transforming as we unlock the secrets of how the human mind and learning works. What you learnt when you went to university or college to become a teacher is probably somewhat outdated by now. So how can we keep up with the rapid evolution of our field? Professional development is the answer! ...but professional development can be difficult for teachers. Rigorous teaching schedules, assessment loads and shortage of funds often hold us back. How can we travel all over the world to develop our practices and be the best we can be for our pupils if there is no time or money to do so? An alternative to costly seminars and travel expenses is online professional development.
The eTwinning platform offers many opportunities for professional development as teachers, and in a variety of teaching fields. eTwinning's groups (one of which you are now browsing), Learning Events, webinars and expert talks, and MOOCs (massive online open courses) offered by European Schoolnet Academy are just a few of them. Browse the sub-pages and discover the opportunities that exist for your online professional development!


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