
Показано дописи з квітень, 2016

Шекспір – величезна британська культурна ікона.

Цього року виповнюється 400 років із дня смерті легендарного англійського барда, чия дата народження – 23 квітня – стала і датою його смерті. Вшанування цієї дати відбувається у буквально кожному населеному пункті Англії, чи це аматорська театральна трупа, шкільний гурток, а чи ж клуб шанувальників Шекспіра.Ось і в нашій гімназії відбулась театральна вистава „ Шекспір forever!”Найвідоміші шекспірівські монологи та діалоги в абсолютно новій подачі.Учні показують володіння англійською мовою на високому рівні та могутність їхнього акторського таланту.Титанічна праця вчителів англійської мови, активність і самовідданість учнів . Отримайте від перегляду букет емоцій та вражень і те, що не тільки „світ є театром”, але й в театрі є цілий світ. Відео можна подивитись тут: www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi83g4YoOSc

400 річниці з дня смерті В.Шекспіра присвячується!



One of the sweetest memories I have about my childhood  is celebrating Easter. We did not have any candies, egg hunt or huge baskets with oversized bunnies or filled with present. But it still was very exciting holiday because Ukrainian Easter celebrations are a beautiful melding of traditional Christian practices, folklore, and ancient pagan symbolism. Some traditions will be familiar to Christians all around the world, while others are uniquely Ukrainian. Lent and Holy Week The biggest joy of Eater Sunday for many people simply comes from enjoying food-eggs, sweet bread and meat- that they did not eat for the past 6 weeks during lent. Lent – the period of fasting before Easter — is practiced in Ukraine much as it is elsewhere. Religious observant refrain from eating animal products: meat, eggs, and dairy.  Now imagine how exited you would be to feast after weeks of very moderate diet? The whole week before Ester Sunday is devoted to the preparatio...


Education and pedagogy is not something you can fully master. It is ever-shifting and transforming as we unlock the secrets of how the human mind and learning works. What you learnt when you went to university or college to become a teacher is probably somewhat outdated by now. So how can we keep up with the rapid evolution of our field? Professional development is the answer! ...but professional development can be difficult for teachers. Rigorous teaching schedules, assessment loads and shortage of funds often hold us back. How can we travel all over the world to develop our practices and be the best we can be for our pupils if there is no time or money to do so? An alternative to costly seminars and travel expenses is online professional development. The eTwinning platform offers many opportunities for professional development as teachers, and in a variety of teaching fields. eTwinning's groups (one of which you are now browsing), Learning Even...

10 Ways to Power Up Any Lesson and Maximize Learning

Imagine someone asked you to describe the best lesson you ever taught. Which lesson would you choose? What do you think made that lesson so awesome? Let me guess. It was probably fun for both you and your students ... maybe a hands-on math lesson, a science investigation, or a cooperative learning activity. But I'll bet it was more than just fun. Your best lesson was probably rigorous and challenging, too, and one reason it was so memorable was because you could see that your students were GETTING IT! We all love those "light bulb" moments where everything clicks into place and the magic of learning happens. So what makes a lesson really amazing? I used to think hands-on learning and active engagement were the critical factors. Clearly my students were having fun during these lessons, and it looked like they were learning, too.     But you know what I discovered? A fun lesson isn't necessarily an effective one.  You're nodding you...